Beta version of HOQU Affiliate App is available now!

Try it out!

9 min readAug 7, 2018

HOQU is the first of its kind decentralized platform for affiliate marketing created on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain. An API has been implemented for interaction with the platform, which is currently available on GitHub .

In the blockchain explorer we can view the data from the decentralized registry, on the Dashboard we see a list of events, and also in the explorer there are such entities as information about users of the system, companies, leads, trackers, and offers.

Beta version

And now we would like to demonstrate the beta version of the decentralized affiliate application within the framework of the Affiliate Marketing Software on the HOQU platform.

Under the link the user gets to the page of choosing the application that they will be working with:

  • Affiliate (platform participants, engaged in sales of call setup leads for merchants)
  • Merchant (under development)
  • Network (under development)

After selecting an application, new users enter the page, where they can choose the way of authorization and registration. Currently registration is available for:

  • Ethereum wallet through the Metamask plugin.
  • Private key. For authorization, you must use the Private Key from the existing Ethereum wallet.
  • Create HOQU wallet. The HOQU system will create a wallet for the user in the Ethereum blockchain system and give the user the Private Key from the wallet, which he can later use for authorization.

Important! The HOQU platform is implemented on the Ethereum blockchain system, therefore, an Ethereum wallet is required to work with applications.

Let’s take a closer look at all the sections of the Affiliate application. The application interface is created using the latest tools and technologies of web development, and meets the highest standards of UI / UX.


This section is the Affiliate’s Desktop, which displays statistics on the most important parameters that allow an affiliate to track the dynamics of their advertising campaigns:

  • Clicks — statistics on clicks of active affiliate campaigns
  • Leads — statistics on confirmed leads in active affiliate campaigns
  • Conversion — conversion as a percentage of clicks to leads by active affiliate campaigns
  • Earn, HQX — affiliate earnings

Next are the graphs that show earnings and conversion:

1. EARNED. This graph shows how during the selected period (the data for the last week are displayed by default) the daily earnings vary. This allows the user to estimate the amount of earnings in a certain period and, using this data, adjust the strategy.

2. CONVERSION. This graph clearly shows the ratio of confirmed leads to clicks (conversion).

Next we see the table RECENT STATS. It shows clicks, leads, conversion as a percentage, and earnings by day. Through the More button, the user can go to the lead section and see detailed information on the lead (s) for a specific day.

Below we see the MY Tickets block — it is a ticketing system for working with the technical support of affiliate networks which the user works with. This functionality is currently under development.

On the right is the MY Networks block, where the user can see all affiliate networks with which he works, and can switch to any of them. The block displays the logo of the network, its name, rating and the number of available offers.

Below you can see the NEWS block with the latest news of the HOQU platform.

Under the ticket block is the LEADS block, where the last 10 leads with brief information about them are displayed.

In the NEW NETWORKS block, the user can see new networks. The display of networks depends on the region of work of the webmaster, his rating, on the rating of the network. Also, when mapping, an algorithm is applied that automatically compares the rules of operation of a particular network and the user’s rating. Thus, the webmaster sees only the networks which he can access.

In the block NEW OFFERS new offers of those networks with which the affiliate already works are displayed.


Section Account includes three subsections:

  • Profile
  • Settings
  • Identification


In this section, the user can edit the data of his profile.


In this section, the user is able to set the system settings for such parameters as:

1. The interface language.

2. Date format — allows you to change dates in accordance with formats familiar to users from different countries.

3. Currency format — adjusts the display of currencies to individual user requirements.

4. Authorization by email. Allows the user to log in to his / her personal account by mail / password, regardless of whether there is an electronic wallet on the device or not. All actions with the block in read-only mode are not available (you can access them only after authorization by electronic wallet, tied to the account).


This section displays the current level of user authentication. Identification is needed to compile a global decentralized rating of all participants on the HOQU platform.

It clearly demonstrates the requirements and limitations for which this or that level of access is set, as well as the requirements of networks to users.

TIER-0 is assigned to the user automatically after they are registered in the system with an active electronic wallet, the system will perform the authentication of this wallet in the blockchain and confirm it.

TIER-1 is assigned after passing KYC, filling out the form with confirmation of the phone number and email.

TIER-2, TIER-3, TIER-4 are currently under development.


In this section, all the user’s Ethereum wallets are displayed. The following control functions are available:

  • Add and remove a wallet from the system.
  • Rename the wallet.
  • Select the main wallet, through which all payments will be made in the system.
  • View the current balance of all wallets.

Event Log

In this section, tables are created with data on the latest user actions related to the block system:

  • Date of validity
  • Status of action
  • Type of action
  • Link to this action in the blockchain
  • Action button — go to HOQU Explorer, view full action information, link to Etherscan.

The EventLog section also provides the ability to filter data by various parameters and for different time periods.


The Network section includes 3 subsections:

  • All Networks
  • Active Networks
  • Join Network

All Networks displays all networks that are registered in the HOQU system and are not closed for public viewing. Users can search for networks by name or address.

The preview includes a logo and brief information about the affiliate network:

  • Kind of work
  • Number of participants
  • Average value for payments
  • ETH address

By clicking on the Pin icon, the user has the option of attaching a network to the left menu for quick access to widgets (widgets are currently under development).

Clicking the More button opens detailed information about the affiliate network:

  • Description
  • Network rules
  • Offers of the network
  • Terms of use

The user can join the network by clicking on the Join button, after which it will be automatically checked for compliance with the requirements of this network. After accepting the user agreement and filling out the form, the user will become a full-fledged member of the network with the opportunity to create campaigns for offers.

The subsection Active Networks displays the networks to which the user is already a member.

In the subsection Join Network, you can search for networks by ETH address, view detailed information about them, join to selected networks.


The Offers Section includes 3 subsections:

  • Offers
  • Recommended offers
  • My offers

The Offers section displays all the offers of networks which the user is a member of. There is a possibility of sorting by different parameters of the offers, changing the display type (table or tile), the number of offers on the page.

The preview graphically displays all the basic information about the account, which facilitates visual perception.

In the bottom right corner of the block of each offer are 3 icons:

  • More — opens a page with detailed information about the show.
  • Create Campaign — go to the creation page of an offer campaign where the user selects a tracker and fills in all required fields.

A tracker is a software module that registers the leads and targeted actions of users on the pages of the advertiser’s site, places their lead register in the block, automatically calculating the value and distributing the earnings among all participants, such as the affiliate, the network and the HOQU platform.

  • Promo Tools — go to the promotional materials of this offer.

The Recommended Offers section displays the recommended offers of all avaliable for affiliate networks, that are registered in the HOQU system.

The subsection My offers shows only those offs with which the affiliate works.


In this section, we have the list that displays all campaigns created by the user.

There is a possibility of filtering campaigns for off-directors.


The section Promotional materials includes subsections:

· Landings

· Promo websites

· Banners

· Keywords

· Renders

· Feeds

In these subsections, there are links to promotions of the offers with which the affiliate works. For convenient search, there is a filter for offers.

To use the banner user has to generate his code.


The section of reports is one of the most important working tools for an affiliate.

Here you can get detailed statistics in several categories:

  • Daily. Report on confirmed leads with grouping by day.
  • Networks. Shows the number of clicks, total earnings, the number of leads on all networks in which the user is a member.
  • Offers. The report on the number of clicks, confirmed leads and earnings for all active offers.
  • Wallets. The report on wallets shows the number of leads, earnings and conversion with a breakdown by wallets, since the user can have several unique wallets.

The way to test the Beta version of affiliate application is the following:

1) Please chose the way of authorization after selecting an application.

Currently registration is available for:

- Ethereum wallet through the Metamask plugin.
- Private key. For authorization, you must use the Private Key from the existing Ethereum wallet.
- Create HOQU wallet.

2) Complete your profile (Account -> profile).

3) Join a network in the ‘Networks’ section.

4) Open ‘Offers’ section and create a campaign for an offer.

5) Open Tools -> Landings. Generate and copy the referral link to the landing. (‘Get link to landing’ button).

6) Visit the website using this link and submit request by filling the Contact form.

7) The lead will appear in the ‘Leads’ section in 10 minutes (depending on the workload of the network). The link to etherscan will also be provided in this section. You will be able to get lead data via this link. (The lead data will later be encrypted, encryption key will be available for merchant only).

The lead will also be displayed on the charts in the ‘Dashboard’ section, and in the reports.

HOQU tokens will be charged on your wallet.

Please note, that the Affiliate application uses the rinkeby test network. You will not get real tokens on your wallet.

Thank you for your time and on this we conclude our review. Our team is actively engaged in developing the platform and with the next release, you will be able to see the beta version of the merchant’s personal account. Stay with us.




Written by HOQU

Performance marketing ecosystem. All available affiliate marketing instruments assembled in one place

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